About Me
Andrea's Story
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. My name is Andrea and I have devoted the last 12 years of my professional career to teaching Visual Arts. I currently live in Toronto, Canada with my husband, 2 loving daughters, and our puppy, Marshmallow. My mission is to provide an innovative outlet for children who may be experiencing mental health issues. This outlet will assist them in the creation of meaningful and expressive artwork that they can be proud of. I am passionate about helping kids deal with their emotions in creative ways; thereby fostering healthy mental states. I have seen the transformative nature of creativity in the lives of so many of my students, and I’ve witnessed it in my own life through my eldest daughter, Chanel.
Chanel is a loving, compassionate, and curious 10-year-old, who has also been struggling with anxiety for several years. Being in lockdown for months wreaked havoc on her mental health and her coping strategies that were once effective suddenly had very little impact. We were glad for the reopening of schools in the Fall of 2020 and hoped that socialization would calm her ever-growing irritability and anxiety. However, school seemed to only escalate the issues that had imprisoned her during the lockdown. She struggled to fit in amongst peers, even those she had solid relationships with, and had difficulty self-regulating her behaviour when it escalated. Chanel’s anxiety presented itself as behavioural issues, and it was beginning to impact her emotionally, socially and physically. Desperate for help or new strategies, I consulted with therapists, doctors, specialists, fellow educators and administrators for ways to help Chanel deal with the violent outbursts at home and at school that we were witnessing. The guidance that we received from these experts greatly improved her coping strategies. However, upon reflection, I’ve realized that there wasn’t one magical pill that solely eased her anxiety; rather it was a combination of traditional treatments such as behavioural therapy, natural medicines, lifestyle changes, plus having a means for creativity, that provided her with the most serenity. This site, in addition to our video tutorials, which Chanel films and edits, has been one of the most effective forms of therapy that she has received.